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Designing and Installing Mitigation and Restoration Projects

  • Wednesday, April 17, 2019
  • 9:00 AM
  • Thursday, April 18, 2019
  • 4:30 PM
  • Confluence Technology Center, Wenatchee
  • 0


  • You will receive an auto-invoice after you register. Only checks are accepted at this time (no credit cards).

Registration is closed

This two-day class is geared towards those who design and implement compensatory mitigation and restoration projects and/or those who review and condition mitigation plans who want more technical information. This class focuses on factors to consider when designing wetland projects and protocols to help ensure their successCase study examples will be focused on plants, climate and soils that are east of the mountains.

Topic include:

  • Factors to consider for site selection
  • How to develop realistic site-specific goals and objectives and measurable performance standards
  • Water (sources and potential hydroperiods - what to look for and evaluate)
  • Soils (salvaging, amendments, compaction)
  • Vegetation (source of plant material, salvaging, planting specifications, improving survival, establishing appropriate vegetation communities)
  • Invasive species (techniques for control and maintenance)
  • Habitat (design considerations)
  • Plan specifications (mulches, irrigation, plant materials, habitat features)
  • Construction and installation considerations
  • Contingencies, maintenance, and monitoring

Class participants should already have a general understanding of wetland ecology and regulations.

Note: The information provided in this class is generally consistent with the 2006 interagency document, “Wetland Mitigation in Washington State,” Parts 1 and 2. However, it does not address the agencies’ specific policies and requirements for mitigation. The interagency mitigation guidance document can be found at:

(13 CM Credits)


Lunch is provided.


Instructors:  Susan Buis is a restoration ecologist and native plant horticulturist currently working for the US Army Corps of Engineers and the WA State Dept of Transportation. She is also co-founder and former co-owner of Sound Native Plants, an Olympia company that provides a full spectrum of restoration services including design, installation, native plant propagation, maintenance, and monitoring. Before founding her company in 1991, she worked for Yosemite and Olympic National Parks, where she developed and managed restoration projects and native plant propagation. Ms. Buis has been teaching workshops in restoration design and installation to professional groups and agencies since 1996 and has published articles on creating restoration plant specifications in Hortus West and in Native Plants Journal. She is a regular guest lecturer on native plant topics in the coastal NW.


Lisa Palazzi is a Certified Professional Wetland Scientist (SWS-PCP) and a Certified Professional Soil Scientist (SSSA).  She has over 28 years of professional experience evaluating wetlands, soils and hydrology in the Pacific Northwest. Ms. Palazzi has provided expert advice and expert witness services on many hydric soils and wetlands hydrology functions in the Puget Sound region to many different municipalities and agencies. She consistently receives high marks as a teacher from her students and from workshop participants in these subjects, and she has taught in many different settings, ranging from University-level certification courses to professional conference workshops and even as a guest speaker in elementary, middle school and high school classes. Therefore, she is not only technically competent in her field of expertise, but capable of explaining that knowledge to a wide range of audiences. She is familiar with the most common mistakes and misinterpretations of soils and hydrology characteristics made that can cause a restoration project to fail. 


Washington State Department of Ecology 


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